niedziela, 12 grudnia 2010

2nd English Poetry Competition „The Beginnings”

2nd English Poetry Competition 
took place in our school on 1st December 2010.

Students from eight secondary schools did their best to charm the jury with their recitation skills. The competition was fierce and the poems varied from some masterpieces of classical English writers to modern works of contemporary authors. Let us just mention a few such as E.A. Poe,  R.L. Frost, W.B. Yeats, E.B. Browning, W. Blake or Tupac Amaru Shakur. The poems also varied in length and difficulty, so the jury had a hard nut to crack.
The jury made up of all teachers whose students participated in the show assessed the performances upon various components such as recitation skills, pronunciation or emotional insight. Unfortunately, due to unfavorable weather conditions on that particular day, some of the participants could not arrive on time or did not manage to turn up at all.  Despite these difficulties, the  audience had a real feast of poetry recitation enhanced by flickering candles  and mysterious decoration of the room.

This year the winner was Natalia Bassak with THE RAVEN by E.A. Poe. 
Natalia amazed the audience with her deep emotional insight into the poem. The message was strengthened even more by Natalia’s acting skills and a well chosen garment. Congratulations!

I prize: VIII LO  Natalia Bassak, E.A.  Poe, THE RAVEN

II prize: II LO Katarzyna Majewska, Robert Frost, THE ROAD NOT TAKEN

III prize: I LO Marcelina Masłowska, Christine Georgina Rosetti, THE FIRST DAY
Aleksandra Grącka with FUNERAL BLUES by W.H. Auden was awarded a special prize awarded the representative of the Learn and Smile Foundation. 


We were delighted to see all those glints of joy in the students’ eyes while they were collecting the prizes from Genowefa Malicka, the headmistress of 7LO, and the representative of Learn and Smile Foundation.

The competition was sponsored by Learn and Smile Foundation, which awarded the best participants generously. The winners received the most valuable prizes such as English-English dictionaries and classical books of English writers. However, the Learn and Smile Foundation, according to its name, let no participant go away empty-handed and everyone received a small gift in the shape of an abridged English book.

We would like to express our gratitude to Learn and Smile Foundation and its representative present during the competition who made all the efforts to take part in our competition.

We also express our warm gratitude to all the teachers who assisted their students and who made the effort to motivate them to such great work.


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